We’re in the process of moving all our customers to a new billing system, which will mean improvements and a new look to our invoices. Find out more about the changes.
We’ve changed our systems Which means improvements and a new look to your invoices Clearer invoicing You’ll see from your latest invoice, we have migrated you to a new and improved platform with easier to read invoices. This shouldn’t have caused any disruption to you. How to read your invoice As well as some obvious changes to the way your invoice looks, it is also designed to be more transparent about how it is made up. Inside this leaflet, we explain in more detail some of the changes to your new invoice. Some of these may require administration changes or system updates at your end. So, please read it carefully.
Important information
Three things to notice 1. We’ve changed our bank account details If you pay by bank transfer you’ll need to amend this on your system to match
our new bank details. Our bank details will
be clearly shown on your new invoice in the payment information area. 2. How payments are reflected in our system Your customer payments will be allocated in our system at invoice level rather than at site level. 3. How we identify you as a customer Your customer account and contract details will have new references in our system.
Old invoice
New invoice
Your new invoice summary explained
The invoice shown is a sample. Invoices can vary and the information on yours may be dierent.
4. Site Reference If you are a multi-site business your Site Reference is used to identify individual properties. In the updated invoice you may notice we’ve added a prefix of ‘AGR’ which stands for ‘Agreement’. 5. VAT Depending on how much energy you use, you will either pay standard VAT or reduced VAT. Your invoice now clearly displays this. For more on VAT thresholds please see the HMRC website: www.gov.uk/how-vat-works/vatthresholds. 6. How to Pay If you pay by Bank Transfer, you will be required to make a change in your system to ensure payments are received. If you pay by Direct Debit you should have received notification of this change already; you do not need to take any action. Your payment collection date will feature here if you pay by Direct Debit.
1. Invoice Structure Identifier The ‘Customer Account Number’ on your old invoice has been replaced with an ‘Invoice Structure Identifier’ on your new invoice. This is a ten-digit numerical number that will always begin with ‘87’ e.g. 8700000000. 2. CCL Registration Number This is a new addition to your invoices. CCL stands for ‘Climate Change Levy’. The Climate Change Levy is a Government tax which is designed to encourage business customers to use energy more eciently and support the reduction of the UK’s overall emissions. 3. Electricity/Gas Supply Invoice Your invoices were previously titled ‘Statement of Account’. We have changed this, so they are now titled ‘Supply Invoice’.
Your new invoice details explained
The invoice shown is a sample. Invoices can vary and the information on yours may be dierent.
10. Quantity In this section, you will see the energy used in kWh, to one decimal place. ln addition you will also see the total number of days within your delivery period. 11. Price Per Unit The Price Per Unit is now shown to six decimal places and now includes the Feed in Tari (FiTs). This is the Government tari designed to help increase the level of renewable energy in the UK. The unit rate you will see on your new invoice will be the combined amount of your old rate plus FiTs.
7. Delivery Address This is the supply point where your energy is supplied to. 8. Invoice Direction If the estimated consumption has been adjusted, it will be shown as a ‘reverse’ entry in the tari and charges table. The amended usage for that period and any new charges will be shown as a ‘forward’ entry in the tari and charges table. 9. Delivery Period This refers to the start and end dates of your invoice charges. Your new invoice will also show standing charges on a ‘per day’ basis.
Learn more We hope the changes made to your invoices make them clearer and easier to use
If you have any questions, please call our dedicated team on 0345 7 25 25 26 . Our team is available, Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm.
Your payment details are clearly marked on your new invoice. If you pay by Direct Debit you don’t need to do anything. However, if you pay by Bank Transfer please update your system with our new bank account details to ensure payments are received.
SSE Energy Solutions is a trading name of SSE Energy Supply Limited, registered in England and Wales number 03757502, which is a member of the SSE Group. The registered oce of SSE Energy Supply Limited is No. 1 Forbury Place, 43 Forbury Road, Reading, RG1 3JH. sseenergysolutions.co.uk SSECPR4P
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